This plugin contains a custom enchantment effect to automatically sell items using AutoSell as you mine. I can also initiate autosell by right-click in your inventory and VKBackPack.
First, make sure to install AutoSell plugin! Without it, this enchant won't work! And just install TE-AutoSellEnchant.jar in TokenEnchant/enchants folder. Then you can either "restart the server" or "reload the plugin (not /te reload)". AutoSellEnchantment will automatically be loaded into TokenEnchant framework.
description: "Automatically sell all items in your inventory and VKBackPack."
BlockBreakEvent: "HIGHEST"
TEBlockExplodeEvent: "LOWEST"
PlayerInteractEvent: "MONITOR"
price: 10
max: 1
use_action_bar: false
action_bar_message: "&aYou've sold &e%itemssold% &afor &e%price%&a."
display_message: true
display_message_interval: 60
- "&bItems Sold:&r %itemssold%"
- "&bPrice:&r %price%"
use_right_click: false # true will allow you to initiate autosell with right click
sell_inventory: false # true will try to sell sellable items in the inventory as well.
occurrence: always
You can use the following placeholders for the message:
- %itemssold% , or %items% : the number of items sold
- %price% : total sale price
- %price_beautified%, or %amount% : total sale price with the beautified format
- %multiplier% : multiplier value used.