NOTE: This a custom enchant module requires TokenEnchant plugin.
This plugin contains a custom enchantment effect that allows you to excavate blocks in a cross pattern.
Demo Video:
Just install TE-CrossExplosionEnchant.jar in TokenEnchant/enchants folder. Then you can either "restart the server" or "reload the plugin (not /te reload)". CrossExplosionEnchantment will automatically be loaded into TokenEnchant framework.
CrossExplosion_config.yml will automatically be generated upon the first restart.
If you wish to use a name, set "alias", like "alias: CrossHammer"
NOTE: Make sure to configure your WorldGuard (block-break : allow)
description: "It explodes a cross pattern of blocks in a mine."
alias: CrossHammer
BlockBreakEvent: "MONITOR"
price: 10
max: 3 #
# you can nominate the world, which prevents explosive
- plotworld
# you can turn on/off explostion sound/visual effects
effect: true
# you can turn on/off explostion sound effects
sound: true
# You can set the occurrence of explosion.
# random: randomly occur based on the level
# always: explosion occur always.
occurrence: random
cooldown: 20 # inseconds
cooldown_message: "" #"&a[TE] You have to wait for &b%remaining% &aseconds."
maxRadius: 100
use_explode_event: true