NOTE: This custom enchant module requires TokenEnchant plugin.

This plugin contains a custom enchantment effect that allows you to be invisible from others.

Unlike "Invisible enchant/potion", which still shows armours you're wearing or items you're holding. 

Unlike "Camouoflage enchant", which makes you invisible only when you're not moving, you can freely move around while you're invisible.

This is a polymorphic enchantment! You can define any number of variant InvisibleCloak enchantments with different config options (examples are in the default config.yml).


  • tokenenchant.invisiblecloak.see : anyone with this permission can see those invisible.

Demo Video:

Just install TE-InvisibleCloakEnchant.jar in TokenEnchant/enchants folder. Then you can either "restart the server" or "reload the plugin (not /te reload)". InvisibleCloak enchantment will automatically be loaded into TokenEnchant framework.


I would suggest you allow this enchantment only on armours (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots using allowed_items: option).

description: "Allows you to be invisible from others while you have this enchant!"
price: 10
max: 1
cooldown: -1
cooldown_message: "" #"&a[TE] You have to wait for &b%remaining% &aseconds."
occurrence: always
duration: -1

description: "Allows you to be invisible from others while you have this enchant!"
price: 10
max: 5
cooldown: 20
cooldown_message: "" #"&a[TE] You have to wait for &b%remaining% &aseconds."
occurrence: always
duration: 20 # invisible effect lasts only 20 seconds at the max enchant level! You need to re-apply the effect.

description: "Allows you to be invisible from others while you have this enchant!"
price: 10
max: 5
cooldown: 10
cooldown_message: "" #"&a[TE] You have to wait for &b%remaining% &aseconds."
occurrence: always
duration: 60 # invisible effect lasts only 60 seconds at the max enchant level! You need to re-apply the effect.

# YourInvisibleCloak:
# alias: "myCloak"
# description: "Allows you to be invisible from others while you have this enchant!"
# price: 10
# max: 5
# cooldown: 10
# cooldown_message: "" #"&a[TE] You have to wait for &b%remaining% &aseconds."
# occurrence: always
# duration: 60 # invisible effect lasts only 60 seconds at the max enchant level! You need to re-apply the effect.