This plugin contains a custom enchantment effect to make any item retain-able on death. You can also configure the enchantment so that only soul-bounded item can only be picked up by the lawful owner.
Just install TE-SoulBoundEnchant.jar in TokenEnchant/enchants folder. Then you can either "restart the server" or "reload the plugin (not /te reload)". SouldBoundEnchantment will automatically be loaded into TokenEnchant framework.
Once you restart the server, SouldBound_config.yml will be auto-generated in your enchants folder. You can customize this file to suit your server's needs.
price: 10
max: 4
occurrence: always
#this option allows the enchantment level to automatically decrease upon death
decrement_chance: 1.0
# if this flag is set to "true", soul-bounded item will have its soul attached to it, and only the lawful owner can pick it up unless you have 'tokenenchant.soulbound.admin' permission node.
no_pickup: true
tag_prefix: "&bSOUL:"
# this option is to set a custom Death Event process priority.
PlayerDeathEvent: "LOW"