NOTE: This custom enchant module requires the latest TokenEnchant
This resource contains a custom enchantment effect to let players have multiple premission nods (of your choice) when item is held or an armor piece is worn or all armor elements are worn.
NOTE: This is a polymorphic custom enchantment!  You can define multiple similar custom enchantments with different combinations of permission nodes.
Just install TE-PermissionEnchant.jar in TokenEnchant/enchants folder. Then you can either "restart the server" or "reload the plugin (not /te reload)". PermissionEnchantment will automatically be loaded into TokenEnchant framework.
Once you restart the server, Permission_config.yml will be auto-generated in your enchants folder.  You can customize this file to suit your server's needs.  
  TokenMultiplier0: # 2% increase
    description: "It will give you TokenEnchant's multiplier when you have or wear item with this enchant."
    price: 10
    max: 1    #this number should be same as the highest level in levels: section
    occurrence: always
    full_armor: false
    use_action_bar: true
    add_message: "Your token multiplier is set to %value%!"
    remove_message: "Your token multiplier is removed"
    value: "1.02"
    permissions: # you can list multiple permission node and you can use %value% and %level% placeholders.
      - "tokenenchant.multiplier.%value%"

TokenMultiplier5: # 5% increase at level 1 and increase by 5% at the every levelup
    description: "It will give you TokenEnchant's multiplier when you have or wear item with this enchant."
    price: 10
    max: 10    #this number should be same as the highest level in levels: section
    occurrence: always
    full_armor: true
    use_action_bar: true
    add_message: "Your token multiplier is set to %value%!"
    remove_message: "Your token multiplier is removed"
    value: "%level% * 1.05"
      - "tokenenchant.multiplier.%value%"

TokenMultiplier15: # 15% increase at level 1 and increase by 15% at the every levelup
    description: "It will give you TokenEnchant's multiplier when you have or wear item with this enchant."
    price: 10
    max: 5    #this number should be same as the highest level in levels: section
    occurrence: always
    full_armor: true
    use_action_bar: true
    add_message: "Your token multiplier is set to %value%!"
    remove_message: "Your token multiplier is removed"
    value: "%level% * 1.15"
      - "tokenenchant.multiplier.%value%"